Registration Now Open
Aikido Starter Session
Find your path this year! Attain the skills and gain the broader benefits of training in a martial art with a do-no-harm approach to self-defense!
Book the whole series now, split it into three installments, or drop-in. Beginner classes kick off Monday, January 20th, 2025.

About Durango Shin Budo Kai Aikido
Durango Shin Budo Kai Aikido is a nonprofit dojo established in 2002 centered on teaching Aikido, which is a Japanese martial art with a do-no-harm attitude that redirects the momentum of an attack to resolve situations peacefully. Our dojo also teaches traditional weapons including bokkendo and jodo, focused on self-mastery and non-violence. Our mission is to empower individuals to cultivate inner strength and confidence through martial arts practice.
Weekly Classes & Series
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45 min
8 US dollars- From 20 US dollars
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2 hr
20 US dollarsLoading days...
1 hr
10 US dollarsLoading days...
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10 US dollarsLoading days...
2 hr
20 US dollarsLoading days...
1 hr
10 US dollarsLoading days...
1 hr
10 US dollarsLoading days...
1 hr
10 US dollarsLoading days...
2 hr
20 US dollars
Join a welcoming member-run dojo

At Durango Shin Budo Kai Aikido, we believe in the power of community. Our dojo is a welcoming space where students support and encourage each other to achieve their goals. All humans are welcome. DSBK does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical ability, race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, political affiliation, religion, or any other protected identifying characteristic.
Mental and Physical Strength
Our martial arts practice is designed to cultivate both mental and physical strength. Through regular training, students develop focus, resilience, and confidence. Fundamental exercises develop balance, coordination, and poise.

At Durango Shin-Budo Kai Aikido, we believe that true strength comes from self-mastery. In real budo (martial training), victory over others is not the goal. Instead, trainees seek agatsu, or victory over self. Our practice is focused on cultivating a deep understanding of oneself and one's relationship with the world.
Finding the Dojo
From Camino del Rio (US 550), head west on 32nd St. Take the first possible right into the alley (at the Kelly's Dry Cleaners). The DSBK Dojo is the last unit on your right.
(Note: despite our numerous submitted corrections, Google Maps will lead you in a big circle around W. 2nd Ave, down a series of side alleys to the dojo. We do not recommend that route.)